Stiff Back After Working All Day? These Five Exercises Can Help Get You Moving

August 17th, 2023
physical therapist fallschurchva

Sitting at a desk or working at a computer all day can lead to forward head and shoulder posture and cause stiffness in the upper back. This can result in significant discomfort that can make it more challenging to engage in activities around the house or recreational activities. These simple exercises can help reduce upper back stiffness and get you moving more freely. They can be performed for several repetitions and can be held for a few seconds to maximize the stretch and help alleviate discomfort.

1. Seated Extension 

This exercise is performed by first sitting in a chair with a back that hits at the mid to upper back. Place the hands behind the neck and extend backward over the chair while pulling the elbows out to the side. This should feel like a stretch and can improve the mobility of the upper thoracic spine. 

2. Thread the Needle

Starting in a quadruped position, one arm should be pulled across the body under the stationary arm. Reach as far as is comfortable in this direction, then pull this arm back through and reach up towards the ceiling. This exercise helps to promote thoracic rotation while also providing a stretch to the muscles around the shoulder blade. 

3. Cat Cow 

This exercise helps to improve the mobility of the mid and upper back. This is done by starting in a quadruped position and then raising the mid back toward the ceiling while allowing the head to hang down. This should feel like a big stretch across the upper back. Then, allow the stomach to sink down towards the floor while elevating the head to look forward. 

4. Doorway Stretch 

This exercise is used to stretch the pectoral muscles of the chest. This can help prevent rounded shoulder posture and reduce stiffness through the upper back. The stretch is performed by elevating the arms to approximately 90 degrees with the forearms along the doorframe. Place one foot in front of the others and shift your weight forward. Once the stretch is felt, you can hold this for approximately 30 seconds and then relax. 

5. Scapular Retraction 

This exercise is intended to activate the rhomboids and portions of the trapezius that help to promote good posture. It is performed by allowing the shoulders to rest, then pulling the shoulder blades together while keeping the head and neck neutral, and then relaxing to the start position. This, combined with the other exercises listed above, can help to prevent the development of rounded shoulder and forward head posture which will help reduce stiffness in the upper back.  

If you suffer from back pain or stiffness, physical therapy can help you find relief. A physical therapist can utilize mobility and strengthening exercises in addition to hands-on techniques to improve your strength and movement and reduce your pain. Call Respire Physical Therapy at 703-671-1871 or click here to request an initial evaluation with a physical therapist today!

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