Your Hip “Popping” Could Be Snapping Hip Syndrome

August 23rd, 2021
physical therapy fallschurchva

Have you ever felt or heard your hip snapping when you walk, kick, stand up, or participate in your favorite sports? If so, you could be experiencing a condition called snapping hip syndrome. Anyone can experience snapping hip, but it occurs more often in those who participate in sports or activities that require repeatedly bending at the hip such as dance, soccer, cycling, weight lifting, and running. It is often the result of overuse of the muscles and/or excessive tightness of the muscles and tendons. 

The Anatomy Behind the “Snap”

Snapping hip is characterized by an audible or palpable snapping/popping sensation that occurs when the hip is moved as a result of soft tissue (muscle, tendons, or ligaments) rolling over one of the hip’s bony prominences. The snapping or popping sensation can be heard or felt at different parts of the hip. Depending on the location, there will be involvement of different structures: 

  • Side of the hip: Snapping at the outside of the hip is caused by the thick band of connective tissue called the iliotibial band passing over a bony prominence of the femur (thigh bone) called the greater trochanter. This is the most common place where people experience snapping hip.
  • Front of the hip: Snapping at the front of the hip involves the hip flexor muscles – the rectus femoris (part of the quadriceps) passing over the head of the femur or the iliopsoas passing over the front of the pelvic bone
  • Back of the hip: The least common of the locations, snapping in the back of the hip or buttocks is caused by the tendon of the hamstrings (specifically the biceps femoris) on the back of the leg catching on the ischial tuberosity, also known as the sit bone.
  • Inside of the hip joint: Snapping that feels like it deep within the hip joint itself as opposed to the locations above may indicate damage to the cartilage that lines the hip joint, known as the labrum. Although technically not classified as snapping hip syndrome, it presents similarly, but usually with deeper pain than is typical for snapping hip.

Is It Normal for My Snapping Hip to Be Painful? 

Although it is painless for many people, continued snapping can lead to pain and swelling caused by inflammation of the fluid filled sacs (bursa) that protect the hip joint. Snapping hip can lead to weakness that can negatively impact sport performance and even make performing daily activities difficult. As a result, it is important to address snapping hip early, especially if you experience pain along with the snapping sensation. Physical therapy is a great option for conservative treatment of snapping hip syndrome. A physical therapist will help to determine the cause of your snapping hip, and provide you with hands-on treatment, stretches, exercises, and therapeutic modalities to: 

  • Reduce pain
  • Increase range of motion of the leg and hip joint
  • Increase flexibility of the involved muscle(s)
  • Strengthen the appropriate muscle(s)
  • Prepare you for return to sport/activity
  • Prevent future injury

Written By: Dr. Sydney Brown, DPT

If you experience painful snapping at the hip that limits your ability to participate in sports, hobbies, or everyday activities, call Respire Physical Therapy at (703) 671-1871 or click here and schedule an evaluation to determine the source of the snapping and begin a personalized treatment plan that addresses your specific impairments.  

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