Many people who have played sports or exercised have, at some point, experienced a hamstring strain or “pulled” hamstring. This painful condition can take you out of a sport and even limit your ability to complete day to day activities. What Are The Hamstrings? The hamstrings are a strong group of muscles on the back
Overview When experiencing pain or discomfort, people will turn to different solutions for relief. Often, people will supplement their physical therapy and pharmacological management with ice and heat. This is for good reason, as evidence has shown that these modalities can help to reduce pain. But what do they do and how should they be
Many people experience foot or ankle pain when walking or performing recreational exercise. In some cases, this can be due to excessive pronation of the foot and ankle. What is Pronation? During weight bearing activities, the foot and ankle must be able to appropriately accept the weight of the body as it is shifted over
Running, plyometrics, and sports in general are great ways to maintain physical fitness but sometimes these high-impact activities can cause joint pain. If you experience this and are looking for alternative ways to stay healthy, low-impact exercise may be for you. The following exercises place less stress though the joints and can often be performed
“Sports hernia” is often the terminology used to describe groin pain in athletes, but this may be a misnomer. A true hernia is the protrusion of organ tissue through an area of weak muscle. This is different from the pathology seen in a sports hernia. The lower abdominal muscles and adductor muscles on the inner
Are you noticing that you are having a hard time standing upright? Do you feel unsteady when walking and not as stable as you used to be? You may be having a balance problem. If you are losing your balance and are feeling frustrated, physical therapy may be the right place for you. What Causes
Organizing your workstation in a way that promotes good body mechanics and posture is essential for minimizing aches and pains after a long day’s work. This article will suggest a few ergonomic tips and tricks to help you more efficiently structure your workstation and limit unnecessary stresses on your body. Selecting Monitor Height Ideally, your
Having adequate knee range of motion is essential for completing activities of daily living and recreational activities. Limitations of knee motion can be due to several factors described below. Joint Capsule The knee joint is surrounded by a ligamentous structure that forms a soft tissue capsule around the articulating surfaces. Tightness of different portions of
What is a Sprain? A sprain refers to damage that occurs to ligaments. Ligaments are tissue structures that connect bone to bone and provide support to a joint. A sprain can be classified by the degree of damage to the ligament. This can range from Grade 1, which is a slight overstretching of the tissue,