Static Vs Dynamic Stretching

June 9th, 2022
physical therapist fallschurchva

Stretching is an important component of physical fitness, but not all stretching achieves the same results. Static and dynamic stretching are two of the most widely used forms of stretching; each with their own advantages. 

Static Stretching

Static stretching is performed by placing a muscle in an elongated position for a sustained period of time, typically 30 seconds or more. This type of stretching can provide the following benefits:

  • improved muscle flexibility & relaxation
  • decrease sensations of tightness/pain
  • improved range of motion (ROM)
  • restore normal motion

Static stretching has been shown to result in various musculoskeletal benefits when done over an extended period of time. However, this type of stretching may not be appropriate to perform prior to engaging in physical activity. Some evidence has shown that performing static stretching as a warm up can actually reduce force production of the muscles and negatively affect sport performance. Alternatively, evidence suggests that dynamic stretching can help to improve sport performance and acutely reduce risk of injury. 

Dynamic Stretching

Dynamic stretching is a method of stretching that consists of progressively larger repetitive movements through an available range of motion. The movements should mimic the particular activity you are preparing for and can be performed for several minutes prior to engaging in the activity. When performing this, it is important that the motion is smooth and does not bounce or jerk at the end range of the motion. Dynamic stretching can result in the following benefits:

  • improved neuromuscular control
  • increases temperature and flexibility of muscle tissue
  • improvements in sport performance
  • reduce risk of musculotendinous injury 

Ultimately, the type of stretching performed should be geared towards your individual goals. If you experience recurrent muscle tightness and flexibility limitations, static stretching may be a better choice for you. But, if you aim to improve physical performance and reduce risk of injury when playing a sport or engaging in physical activity, dynamic stretching would be more beneficial. 

If you experience regular sensations of muscle tightness, pain, or have sustained a sports injury, physical therapy can help. A physical therapist can identify limitations specific to you and prescribe the appropriate stretching and strengthening exercises to improve mobility and function. Call 703-671-1871or click here to schedule an appointment with one of our Physical Therapists today.

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