How Much Physical Activity Should I Do?

May 27th, 2022
physical therapy fallschurchva

Physical activity can help to maintain or improve physical function, boost energy, manage weight, and can be used to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. While most people are aware of these and the various other benefits physical activity has to offer, many people are unsure how often they should be performing physical activity. Guidelines have been issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide accessible information for a number of different groups of people. 

Children & Adolescents

It is recommended that children and adolescents ages 6-17 years old participate in 60-minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily. Most of this time should be spent performing moderate to vigorous aerobic activities such as walking, cycling, running, or playing sports. 

Part of the daily 60-minutes of activity can also include strength training activities. This is often better to be performed under supervision of a professional to ensure exercises are being performed correctly to minimize the risk of injury, but even activities such as climbing or playing on a playground can help build strength. Lastly, some portion of the total physical activity should include exercises that promote bone strengthening. This is done through impact activities such as jumping rope, skipping, running, or sports that involve rapid change in direction or jumping. 


For substantial health benefits, it is recommended that adults perform at least 150-300-minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week. With appropriate progression, additional benefits can be gained by exceeding this amount of physical activity. Adults should engage in moderate to vigorous muscle strengthening activity that address major muscle groups at least twice per week. This can be done in a variety of ways including use of resistance bands, weights, and bodyweight strengthening exercises. Ideally, aerobic activity such as walking, running, biking, etc. should be spread over the course of the week and make up the bulk of the 150-300-minutes of physical activity.  

Older Adults

The guidelines presented for adults also apply to older adults as well. In addition to aerobic and strengthening based exercises, it is recommended that older adults incorporate balance exercises into their weekly physical activity routine. If diagnosed with a chronic condition or other illness, it is important to consult your medical provider to further understand the benefits and risks of engaging in exercise as it applies specifically to your condition. Generally, if someone is unable to achieve 150-minutes of physical activity, it is encouraged that they perform as much physical activity as their abilities allow. 

If you would like to maintain or improve your health, engaging in physical activity is a great place to start. However, some people suffer from injuries, aches & pains that can limit their ability to make these changes. Physical therapy can help to not only improve your current limitations, but can help to guide you on the right path to a healthier lifestyle. If you are looking to improve your level of physical function and reduce pain to help make healthy lifestyle changes, call Respire Physical Therapy today at 703-671-1871 or click here to schedule your Initial Evaluation with one of our Physical Therapists.

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