Jaw Pain & TMJ Dysfunction

July 11th, 2022
physical therapist fallschurchva

Have you been experiencing jaw pain that also occurs with ear and neck pain? Do you have clicking when you open and close your mouth? Do you have difficulty opening your mouth when eating? You may be suffering from temporomandibular or TMJ dysfunction. 

What Is The TMJ?

The temporomandibular joint is where the mandible meets the temporal bone of the skull. It is classified as a condyloid joint which essentially functions as a hinge that also allows side to side and rotational motion. It is controlled by the muscles responsible for chewing or “mastication.” These muscles primarily include the masseter, the temporalis, and the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles. With dysfunction, these muscles can become painful and tight. 

What Causes Clicking With Opening And Closing Of The Jaw?

Similar to other joints in the body, the TMJ contains an articular disc between the bony aspects of the joint. This improves the congruity of the joints and helps to absorb pressure during jaw function. As the jaw opens and closes, this disc needs to be compressed and move slightly. With TMJ dysfunction, that disc can be forced out of its normal position during opening of the mouth. As the jaw closes, the disc can be pushed back into place which results in a clicking sound. This is medically termed disc displacement with reduction. If there is no reduction of the disc, this can result in an inability of a person to open and close their mouth normally. 

How Can I improve My Symptoms?

Those experiencing TMJ dysfunction can experience neck pain, facial pain, headaches, and limited motion of the jaw. A physical therapist can determine the specific limitations and identify the causes of pain. From there, specific exercises, stretches and hands on mobilization techniques can be used to correct the source of dysfunction and reduce pain.

If you experience symptoms that are similar to those described in this article, physical therapy can help. Call Respire Physical Therapy at 703-671-1871 or click here to schedule an appointment with one of our Physical Therapists to improve your jaw pain and function!

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