3 Stretches to Improve Neck Stiffness

June 1st, 2022
physical therapist fallschurchva

Whether you work a desk job, spend a lot of time on the computer, or find yourself endlessly scrolling on your phone, you may experience neck pain due to prolonged forward head positioning. Neck pain and stiffness can be caused by several factors, but sometimes it is simply due to tightness of the muscles surrounding the neck. This article will explain stretching techniques that can help improve sensations of neck stiffness or muscle tightness.

Upper Trapezius

The upper trapezius spans from the base of the skull, attaches to the spinous processes of the cervical spine and runs laterally to attach to the shoulder blade and clavicle. To stretch this muscle, you can place one arm behind the back, side-bend away from that side, and use the opposite arm to gently pull the head further into a side-bending position. 

Levator Scapulae physical therapist fallschurchva

This muscle attaches to the upper cervical spine and runs downward to the top of the shoulder blade. Stretching of this muscle can be done by turning the head away from the side of the neck you are trying to stretch. Then, you can tilt the head downward towards the armpit while using that arm to apply gentle pressure to increase the stretch. 

Sternocleidomastoidphysical therapist fallschurchva 

This large neck muscle has several attachment points. It spans from the mastoid process behind the ear and attaches on the clavicle and sternum. To stretch this muscle, you can apply gentle pressure to the portion of the muscle that attaches to the clavicle and sternum and then side-bend and extend the neck away from the side you are trying to stretch. 

There are many potential causes for neck pain and discomfort. Sometimes, stretching can help improve symptoms. But often, there are other factors at play that stretching will not help to improve. Because of this, it is important to consult with a medical professional if you are experiencing neck pain. Physical therapy can help you improve strength, flexibility, and mobility of the neck and help to reduce pain. If you experience neck pain, call 703-671-1871or click here to schedule an appointment with one of our Physical Therapists today.

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