Pain Around Your Kneecap? This Could Be Why

June 27th, 2023
physical therapy fallschurchva

Knee pain is common across all age groups for various reasons but is particularly prevalent in adolescents and young adults who engage in recreational running or sports involving running and jumping. This type of pain is often referred to as patellofemoral pain. But why does this happen? 

Patellar Tracking

The patella (kneecap) in a healthy knee moves within a groove formed by the distal end of the femur. Normally, the patella moves up and down within this groove during flexion and extension of the knee. With extension, the patella moves upward towards the thigh and, with flexion, the patella moves downward towards the foot. If there is significant weakness, ligamentous laxity or restriction, the kneecap can deviate from its normal path of movement and can cause irritation around the front of the knee. 


Repetitive movements is another factor that can cause knee pain and discomfort. Sudden increase in running distance or frequency or repetitive jumping can cause a significant amount of stress through the knee. If the joint is not adequately supported by the surrounding musculature, this can result in significant pain behind and around the kneecap. While rest can alleviate some of the pain, there is often an underlying factor, such as weakness, that is mainly responsible for the onset of pain. 

Flexibility Limitations

Tightness of muscles around the knee can affect the way the joint moves and this can lead to altered patellar motion within the joint. In these cases, stretching and strengthening can often alleviate the pain associated with squatting, stair negotiation, and running activities. 

If you suffer from patellofemoral pain, physical therapy can help identify the precipitating factors and provide you with a treatment plan. Call Respire Physical Therapy at 703-671-1871 or click here to schedule an evaluation with a Physical Therapist and get back to your favorite activities without knee pain!

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