How Poor Posture Can Lead to Pain and Disability

November 17th, 2022
physical therapist fallschurchva

If you spend long periods of time sitting at a computer, looking at your phone, or working at a desk, you may be at risk of developing poor posture. These activities can contribute to forward head posture where the head and neck are positioned in front of the shoulders at rest. This, along with other postural changes, can contribute to a condition called upper-crossed syndrome that can result in worsening of posture and cause pain in the upper back and neck. 

How Does This Cause Pain? 

A number of postural changes are observed in those experiencing upper-crossed syndrome. Generally, forward head posture, rounded shoulders, hunching (kyphosis) of the upper back, and winging of the shoulder blades are commonly seen. Prolonged positioning in this way contributes to anatomical changes that can lead to pain and dysfunction. Specifically, tightness in the pectoral muscles can develop and pull the shoulders forward. Tightness of the upper trapezius and levator scapulae on the back can then simultaneously develop. This, along with concurrent weakness of the deep neck flexors as well as the rhomboids, middle and lower trapezius, and the serratus anterior contribute to alterations in the mechanics of the shoulder, neck and upper back. This can lead to pain and dysfunction that can make it difficult to sit or stand for long periods of time and contribute to additional difficulty with activities of daily living. 

How Is This Treated? 

The first step in treating this condition is identifying abnormalities in the structures contributing to this condition. Consulting a physical therapist can provide you with this information in addition to exercises that can help to resolve the issue. Through stretching, strengthening, postural strategies and education, this condition and its related postural issues can be improved. This can result in reduced pain and improved tolerance to daily and recreational activities. 

If you spend considerable amounts of time working at a computer and notice postural changes or increases in pain or general discomfort, physical therapy can help to resolve this. Call Respire Physical Therapy today at 703-671-1871 or click here to schedule an evaluation with a Physical Therapist today to improve your posture and get back to your daily life without pain!

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