Difficulty with Stair Negotiation? These Could Be The Reasons Why

October 4th, 2022
physical therapist fallschurchva

The ability to ascend and descend stairs is necessary for many people to be able to complete their activities of daily living. Several factors can contribute to difficulty with this seemingly-simple skill.


Stair negotiation requires adequate strength in several muscle groups in the hips and legs. The gluteal muscles and hamstrings must be able to extend the leg in order to propel the body forward when ascending stairs. The quadriceps must be able to extend the knee when ascending stairs and also allow for controlled knee flexion when descending stairs. 

Range of Motion (ROM)

Range of motion is another factor that, if limited, can make stair negotiation more difficult. If ankle dorsiflexion is impaired, it can impact the knee’s ability to move forward over the ankle when ascending or descending stairs. This can cause pain on the front of the ankle and alter the mechanics of the knee and hip that can lead to additional problems if left unaddressed. Additionally, if the knee is unable to flex or extend fully, it can result in an asymmetrical gait pattern that can make stair negotiation more challenging. 


When ascending or descending stairs, we are repetitively alternating between a single leg stance position on each leg. Given this, those who have balance difficulties may also notice increased difficulty with stair negotiation. This is something that can be improved with balance and strength training. 

If you or someone you know has difficulties with stair negotiation or activities of daily living in general, physical therapy can help. A physical therapist can identify the specific factors contributing to these difficulties and propose individualized treatment plans to improve them. Call Respire Physical Therapy today at (703) 671-1871 or click here to book an appointment with one of our Physical Therapists to get you back to the activities you love without pain!

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