Boost Your Post-Run Recovery with This Simple Stretching Routine

January 14th, 2022
physical therapy fallschurchva

After a run, it’s tempting to quickly go back home, run errands, or check things off of your to-do list immediately after instead of cooling down, especially with a busy schedule. Although this may not seem like a big deal, you are actually missing out on a crucial part of your workout. What you do after your workout is just as important as what you do during the workout, and can have a significant impact on your performance and health long term. Just a few minutes of stretching after a run can go a long way.  

Why Is Stretching After a Run Important? 

Research has shown that there are numerous benefits to stretching after running. Post-run stretching can help to: 

  • Lower heart rate and blood pressure to bring the body back to its resting state
  • Increase blood flow, which can help speed up muscle recovery and repair
  • Decrease the risk of sustaining injuries 
  • Remove waste products such as lactic acid
  • Decrease soreness and cramping in the hours and days to follow
  • Maintain and increase range of motion and flexibility, which can improve your running performance 

Below is a simple stretching routine for runners that targets the major muscles of the lower extremity. When performed consistently, you should be able to notice the benefits for yourself! 

Try to hold the above stretches for at least 30 seconds and perform at least 2 sets. Remember, stretching should not be painful! Stop when you feel tension and do not force beyond that point. Also, be sure to breathe when stretching! Inhale in through the nose and out through the mouth with pursed lips (like you are blowing out a candle).

If you experience persistent pain during or after running, or have sustained an injury despite stretching properly, you may need to seek help from a medical professional. A physical therapist can help to identify the source(s) of your pain and develop a treatment plan to address your specific needs. Call Respire Physical Therapy at (703) 671-1871 or click here  to schedule an initial evaluation and get back to running pain free today! 

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