Improving Wrist Pain through Physical Therapy

November 6th, 2023
physical therapist fallschurchva

There are so many activities that we perform daily that require pushing through the wrist and hand. When healthy, you may not notice how frequently we rely on the wrist to help us to, for example, push up from a chair, push a door open, carry heavier objects, or support the body as we change positions when lying down. When dysfunction of the wrist is present, all of these activities can become painful and it can be a limiting factor that prevents you from doing your favorite activities. 

Causes of Wrist Pain 

One of the most common causes of wrist pain results from a fall on an outstretched hand (“FOOSH”). This often results in a sprain of the ligaments that support the wrist and hand, particularly when weight-bearing through the arm. It can result in swelling of the wrist, reduced range of motion, and pain with active motion. 

Midcarpal instability is another cause that does not require a traumatic onset. The bones that make up the wrist – the carpals – can become unstable through repetitive forces applied through the wrist. Additionally, those with Ehlers-Danlos are more likely to experience this due to the generalized laxity of their tissues. This instability can result in wrist pain and clunking sensations during motion. 

Carpal tunnel syndrome is another common wrist condition that can cause pain in the wrist, hand and forearm. This is caused by increased pressure through the carpal tunnel and compression of the nerves that travel through it. This can result in numbness, tingling, weakness, and pain in the hand that can impact a person’s ability to perform activities involving the upper extremities. 

Treating Wrist Pain 

Physical therapy can provide relief if you are experiencing wrist pain. A physical therapist will analyze your motion, strength, and other factors that may contribute to your symptoms. They can perform manual mobilizations, prescribe stretches and strengthening exercises, and provide education on how to best manage your symptoms through simple changes that you can implement throughout the day. 

If these conditions sound similar to what you are experiencing, call Respire Physical Therapy at 703-671-1871 or click here to request an initial evaluation with a physical therapist and begin your healing process to allow you to return to your favorite activities!

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