Understanding SLAP Tears: A Guide to Shoulder Labrum Injuries

January 5th, 2024
physical therapist fallschurchva

Shoulder injuries are common, and one specific type that often affects individuals, especially athletes, is a SLAP tear. SLAP, which stands for Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior, refers to an injury to the labrum of the shoulder joint. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options for SLAP tears. 

Causes of SLAP Tears 

SLAP tears typically result from overuse, traumatic events, or degeneration over time. Athletes engaging in repetitive overhead motions, such as baseball pitchers or weightlifters, are particularly susceptible. Additionally, falls onto an outstretched arm or abrupt pulls can contribute to this injury. 

Symptoms & Diagnosis 

Recognizing the symptoms of a SLAP tear is crucial for early intervention. Patients may experience pain, especially when lifting or reaching overhead, a catching or popping sensation, decreased range of motion, and a feeling of instability in the shoulder. Proper diagnosis often involves a combination of physical examinations and imaging studies, such as MRI or arthroscopy. A skilled physical therapist can assess the shoulder’s function, stability, and strength to help confirm the presence of a SLAP tear. 

Treatment Options

Conservative treatment methods are often implemented initially after injury to manage pain and maximize function. This often includes rest and activity modification; avoiding activities that exacerbate symptoms. In addition to this, a physical therapist will prescribe targeted exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles, improve active range of motion and overall stability.

Other Interventions

In the event that conservative treatment options do not result in adequate healing, other medical interventions may be considered. In some cases, corticosteroid injections are used to provide temporary relief from pain and inflammation. In other cases, arthroscopic surgery is performed to repair the torn labrum through minimally invasive procedures.  


Post-surgery, rehabilitation is crucial for restoring shoulder function. Physical therapy plays a central role, focusing on progressive exercises to regain strength, flexibility, and stability. The therapist tailors the program to the individual’s needs, ensuring a safe and effective recovery. SLAP tears can significantly impact shoulder function and quality of life, but with timely diagnosis and appropriate interventions, individuals can often regain full or near-full functionality. 

Whether opting for conservative measures or surgical intervention, a comprehensive approach that includes physical therapy is key to successful recovery. If you experience shoulder pain or suspect a SLAP tear, call Respire Physical Therapy at 703-671-1871 or click here to begin your road to recovery.

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