Category: painfreeliving

physical therapist fallschurchva

Why Do My Muscles Cramp?

November 19th, 2021

Most people have experienced or will experience muscle cramps at some point in their life. They can wake you up in the middle of the night or stop you dead in your tracks during regular activity or exercise. Also known as “charley horses”, cramps are when a muscle contracts involuntarily and does not relax. Although

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physical therapy fallschurchva

Your Hip “Popping” Could Be Snapping Hip Syndrome

August 23rd, 2021

Have you ever felt or heard your hip snapping when you walk, kick, stand up, or participate in your favorite sports? If so, you could be experiencing a condition called snapping hip syndrome. Anyone can experience snapping hip, but it occurs more often in those who participate in sports or activities that require repeatedly bending

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