What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Carpal Tunnel Syndrome occurs when there is compression of the Median nerve at the wrist. This can occur from several different causes: trauma such as a fracture or sprain resulting in swelling, fluid retention in conditions such as diabetes/pregnancy/hyperactive pituitary gland, or the most common – overuse of musculature in
Background Many people every year experience low back pain regardless of their age. Many times people will either attend physical therapy via direct access or be referred to physical therapy by their physician. Upon the initial evaluation, besides taking measurements, performing special tests, and coming to a conclusion of a diagnosis and treatment plan, the
There are a variety of reasons someone may undergo surgery. It is often indicated with end-stage arthritis, after traumatic injury, with neurologic conditions, or when there are other abnormalities at a joint. While surgery is performed to correct an issue, there are often additional interventions required to facilitate return to activities of daily living and
Arthritis is common among adults but the pathology and treatment can vary depending on the type. This article will discuss osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and treatment options for both types of arthritis. Osteoarthritis Overview The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that over 32.5 million adults suffer from osteoarthritis (OA) in the United States
What Is It? Lateral elbow pain refers to pain felt on the outer edge of your elbow. This pain is often from an injury known as Lateral Epicondylitis, more commonly known as Tennis Elbow. This injury comes from repetitive use or over use of the common extensor tendon muscles in the forearm. Performing repetitive motions
If you spend long periods of time sitting at a computer, looking at your phone, or working at a desk, you may be at risk of developing poor posture. These activities can contribute to forward head posture where the head and neck are positioned in front of the shoulders at rest. This, along with other
Many people experience hip pain at some point throughout their life. It can limit a person’s ability to stand, sit or walk for long periods and can impact participation in sport and recreational activities. But what causes hip pain? The following article will discuss various factors that can contribute to this type of pain. Intra-articular
Whether you work a desk job, spend a lot of time on the computer, or find yourself endlessly scrolling on your phone, you may experience neck pain due to prolonged forward head positioning. Neck pain and stiffness can be caused by several factors, but sometimes it is simply due to tightness of the muscles surrounding
Exercise balls are versatile pieces of exercise equipment that can help progress your current exercise routine. The unstable surface adds an additional challenge that promotes increased core activation which can help to improve overall stability of the spine. The following list shows how an exercise ball can be used to help strengthen some of the