Numbness in The Hand? You Could be Experiencing Nerve Entrapment

March 9th, 2023
physical therapist fallschurchva

Numbness and tingling into the arm and hand is an abnormal symptom that can be the result of compression of several structures. Most frequently, it is due to compression of nerves as they travel from the cervical spine into the upper extremities. Along this pathway, there are several areas in which nerve entrapment frequently occurs. 

Medial Nerve Entrapment 

The median nerve is a major nerve branch in the arm that is innervated by nerve roots at C6-C8 and T1 levels and can be compressed at several sites. Entrapment of this nerve can occur around the elbow and at the pronator teres muscle in the forearm. Additionally, entrapment of this nerve can occur at the wrist as seen in carpal tunnel syndrome. This results in numbness and tingling along the outer aspect of the forearm and into the thumb, pointer, and index finger. 

Ulnar Nerve Entrapment 

The ulnar nerve is another major nerve in the upper extremity and is innervated by the nerve roots at C8 & T1. Entrapment of this nerve can occur at the cubital tunnel (elbow) or at the wrist in a condition known as Guyon’s canal syndrome. Depending on the location of entrapment, this can result in numbness and tingling into the medial aspect of the forearm and into the fourth and fifth digits of the hand. 

Treatment for Nerve Entrapment

Physical therapy can help relieve the symptoms stemming from nerve entrapment. A physical therapist can identify the area in which there is likely entrapment and prescribe specific exercises to reduce symptoms. Manual therapy can be used to increase the amount of space available for the nerve to pass through. Additionally stretching can be used to reduce compression that may be due to muscular tightness. Nerve mobility exercises can be used to move the nerves themselves to allow for proper gliding through the narrow areas in which they travel. If left untreated, symptoms of numbness and tingling can worsen and weakness can develop. This can create significant difficulty when trying to perform activities requiring grip strength or use of the upper extremity in general. 

If you suffer from numbness or tingling in the arm, physical therapy can provide some relief. Call Respire Physical Therapy at 703-671-1871 or click here to schedule an evaluation with a Physical Therapist and get on the path to recovery!

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