Is Pronation Limiting Your Functional Abilities?

April 26th, 2022
physical therapy near me

Many people experience foot or ankle pain when walking or performing recreational exercise. In some cases, this can be due to excessive pronation of the foot and ankle. 

What is Pronation?

During weight bearing activities, the foot and ankle must be able to appropriately accept the weight of the body as it is shifted over the limb. Pronation is the inward collapse of the ankle and arch of the foot during this weight shift. When this happens, increased stress is placed on the joints and soft tissue structures surrounding the foot and ankle and can result in significant pain during weight bearing activity. 

Can Pronation Be Corrected?

There can be several reasons why a person may experience pronation. Generally, this is due to inefficient walking patterns and weakness of the muscles that support the ankle and arch of the foot. Evidence has shown that, for those who pronate, appropriately prescribed strengthening exercises can improve foot posture and reduce pain. Additionally, shoe inserts that support the arch of the foot can also help to provide some relief with activity. 

Pronation of the foot and ankle is common and can limit a person’s ability to do daily activities and stay active in general. If you experience ankle or foot pain, Respire Physical Therapy can help. Call 703-671-1871or click here to schedule an appointment with one of our Physical Therapists today. Get back to the activities you enjoy without pain.

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