Introduction: In this digital age, it’s no surprise that many of us spend countless hours hunched over our devices, causing a widespread condition known as “text neck.” Text neck refers to the strain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, and upper back caused by prolonged use of smartphones, tablets, and computers. Fortunately, physical therapy offers
If you spend long periods of time sitting at a computer, looking at your phone, or working at a desk, you may be at risk of developing poor posture. These activities can contribute to forward head posture where the head and neck are positioned in front of the shoulders at rest. This, along with other
As we begin the new year, many people enter 2022 with new year’s resolutions. Changes such as exercising more, reading for pleasure more frequently, and increasing the amount of money saved are usually high on lists. For a lot of us, one of the main things we want to improve on is decreasing the amount