Category: physical therapist

Back Pain

7 Ways To Ease Back Pain Without Taking Pills or Risking Surgery

January 15th, 2020

80 percent of adults experience low back pain at some point in their lifetime. Back pain is the most common cause of job related disability and has led to the highest number of missed work days. Is your doctor telling you that you have to stop your favorite activity or sport? Are you tired of

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3 Indicators That Your Sciatica May Require Physical Therapy Intervention

January 10th, 2020

Your sciatic nerves run from your lower back down your legs. People who suffer from sciatica typically describe a “shooting pain” sensation on one side of their body. While this condition does not always require medical treatment, physical therapy can help ease your pain and lessen some of your other uncomfortable symptoms. So, how do

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Pre-hab: What It Is and Why You Should Do It

December 10th, 2019

Are you in need of surgery in the near future? Do you have a physically demanding job or sport that puts you at risk of injury? Are your muscles and joints simply not what they used to be, becoming frail and weak? If you identify with any of these scenarios, you should consider preventative rehabilitation,

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Ankle Pain

Why Do I Keep Spraining My Ankle?

December 10th, 2019

How does this happen? Ankle injuries typically occur as a result of stress on either side of the ankle causing excessive motion on the joint. People commonly sprain their ankle inwards which causes the outer ankle ligaments to partially tear or rupture. Symptoms of an Ankle Sprain Pain, especially with weight bearing Tenderness on the

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how physical therapy can relieve your pain when opioids can't

Say NO to Opioids and YES to Physical Therapy!

November 20th, 2019

We’re all aware of the opioid crisis plaguing the nation. It’s scary – it’s as if every time we turn on the news, we hear another story about the epidemic. In 2016 alone, opioid overdose claimed the lives of 116 people each day. Approximately 11.5 million people in the United States misused the painkilling drugs

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Is Arthritis Paining You? Physical Therapy Can Help

November 10th, 2019

If you have arthritis, you know how debilitating it can be. It affects millions of people and is the most commonly reported chronic illness across the nation. Arthritis is a disorder of the joints that causes them to become inflamed. The inflammation causes the pain and stiffness that you feel, and it can result in

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Everything You Need to Know About Your Sprains and Strains

October 20th, 2019

We’ve all been there – walking down the street, not paying attention when suddenly your ankle slips off the curb. There’s immediate pain, but it’s difficult to determine if it’s an injury that will go away on its own with a little RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) treatment, or if a visit to the doctor

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Find Better Balance By Strengthening Your Core

October 10th, 2019

Core strength training is a powerful and effective part of physical therapy. Your core is comprised of a set of muscles that anchor your center of gravity. This allows you to maintain your constant balance, whether you are moving or standing still. By strengthening your core with physical therapy treatments, you can improve your balance

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