Category: arlingtonva

physical therapist fallschurchva

Static Vs Dynamic Stretching

June 9th, 2022

Stretching is an important component of physical fitness, but not all stretching achieves the same results. Static and dynamic stretching are two of the most widely used forms of stretching; each with their own advantages.  Static Stretching Static stretching is performed by placing a muscle in an elongated position for a sustained period of time,

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physical therapist fallschurchva

3 Stretches to Improve Neck Stiffness

June 1st, 2022

Whether you work a desk job, spend a lot of time on the computer, or find yourself endlessly scrolling on your phone, you may experience neck pain due to prolonged forward head positioning. Neck pain and stiffness can be caused by several factors, but sometimes it is simply due to tightness of the muscles surrounding

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physical therapy fallschurchva

How Much Physical Activity Should I Do?

May 27th, 2022

Physical activity can help to maintain or improve physical function, boost energy, manage weight, and can be used to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular pathologies. While most people are aware of these and the various other benefits physical activity has to offer, many people are unsure how often they should be performing physical activity.

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physical therapy fallschurchva

Full-Body Exercise Ball Workout in 5 Exercises!

May 20th, 2022

Exercise balls are versatile pieces of exercise equipment that can help progress your current exercise routine. The unstable surface adds an additional challenge that promotes increased core activation which can help to improve overall stability of the spine. The following list shows how an exercise ball can be used to help strengthen some of the

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physical therapy fallschurchva

Manual Therapy: What is Joint Mobilization?

May 13th, 2022

At Respire Physical Therapy, our one-on-one treatment sessions allow for both exercise-based therapy as well as hands-on treatment; also referred to as manual therapy. There are many manual therapy techniques that can be employed to reduce pain and improve function. Joint mobilization is one tool used by physical therapists to improve the motion of a

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physical therapy fallschurchva

What To Expect After A Rotator Cuff Tear

May 10th, 2022

Whether you work a physically demanding job, are an athlete, or simply exercise recreationally, you may be at risk for experiencing a rotator cuff tear. This injury can occur due to a traumatic incident or by overusing these shoulder muscles.  What is a Rotator Cuff Tear? The rotator cuff is a group of muscles in

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physical therapy fallschurchva

Should I Use Heat or Ice For Pain Relief?

April 29th, 2022

Overview When experiencing pain or discomfort, people will turn to different solutions for relief. Often, people will supplement their physical therapy and pharmacological management with ice and heat. This is for good reason, as evidence has shown that these modalities can help to reduce pain. But what do they do and how should they be

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physical therapy near me

Is Pronation Limiting Your Functional Abilities?

April 26th, 2022

Many people experience foot or ankle pain when walking or performing recreational exercise. In some cases, this can be due to excessive pronation of the foot and ankle.  What is Pronation? During weight bearing activities, the foot and ankle must be able to appropriately accept the weight of the body as it is shifted over

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physical therapy near me

Top Low-Impact Exercises To Keep You Healthy

April 19th, 2022

Running, plyometrics, and sports in general are great ways to maintain physical fitness but sometimes these high-impact activities can cause joint pain. If you experience this and are looking for alternative ways to stay healthy, low-impact exercise may be for you. The following exercises place less stress though the joints and can often be performed

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