Recovering From a Sprained Ankle

January 20th, 2023
physical therapy fallschurchva

You Rolled Your Ankle…

Rolling your ankle is a common injury many people experience. The ankle frequently “rolls” causing the foot to come inward relative to the lower leg (shin). This motion can cause damage to the tendons and ligaments on the outer, or lateral, portion of the ankle. Most often the fibers of these ligaments are overstretched with some microtears, but in severe cases, the fibers can be completely severed. Accompanying pain, there is often swelling, bruising, tenderness, restricted range of motion, and the inability to fully weight bear through the affected ankle. 

Types of Ankle Sprains:

Ankle sprains are divided into 3 categories (HMS, 2021):

  • Grade 1 sprains are mild overstretching of the ligaments. In a Grade 1 ankle sprain, there is typically mild pain and swelling and without bruising or difficulty bearing weight. These injuries typically take 1-3 weeks to resolve and can be treated at home with rest, ice, compression wraps, and elevation of the ankle. With proper rest and elimination of swelling, the Grade 1 sprain will typically make a full recovery by 3 weeks.
  • Grade 2 sprains are moderate to severe overstretching of the ligaments causing a partial tear through them. Grade 2 sprains present with moderate pain, swelling, difficulty bearing weight through ankle, loss of range of motion, and may include bruising. A grade 2 injury often takes between 3-6 weeks to recover. The grade 2 injury is much tougher to treat at home and often requires outside help *physical therapy*.
  • Grade 3 sprains are the most severe of the grades and include full tearing of one or more ligaments in the ankle. A Grade 3 sprain typically presents as severe pain, swelling, tenderness, bruising, loss of motion, and inability to bear weight on the ankle. This injury often requires surgical intervention to reattach the ligament followed by physical therapy to restore proper motion and function.

What Will I Do at Physical Therapy?

At physical therapy, we will use manual techniques, therapeutic exercise, modalities, and more to reduce pain and swelling in your ankle with the focus on restoring motion for functional activities. We will also discuss and educate on appropriate brace selection/application/and wear. 

If you experienced an ankle sprain from rolling your ankle, contact the Respire PT Team today by phone at 703-671-1871 or click here to request an appointment with a Physical Therapist. Let us help you get back to your favorite activities without being slowed down by pain.


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