Many who are diagnosed with osteoarthritis will experience joint stiffness that is prominent in the morning. This article will discuss what factors contribute to this and what can be done to help manage these symptoms. Osteoarthritis and Aging As we age, the tissues inside our joints change. The cartilage that lines the end of the
At Respire Physical Therapy, our one-on-one treatment sessions allow for both exercise-based therapy as well as hands-on treatment; also referred to as manual therapy. There are many manual therapy techniques that can be employed to reduce pain and improve function. Joint mobilization is one tool used by physical therapists to improve the motion of a
If you’ve been dealing with chronic joint pain for some time, then you should know you’re not alone. Chronic joint pain is typically associated with arthritis, although there are plenty of other physical ailments that can lead to joint deterioration and pain. While physical therapy is not a cure for arthritis, it can help to