Category: alexandriava

physical therapy fallschurchva

Don’t Let a Hamstring Injury Keep You Out of the Game

October 8th, 2021

Hamstring injuries are some of the most common injuries among athletes, especially those in sports that involve sprinting or sudden starting/stopping of movements. Unfortunately, a sprained or torn hamstring muscle can force an athlete to stop participating in their sport for weeks, or even months at a time. Hamstring injuries occur when the muscles are

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physical therapy fallschurchva

How Diaphragmatic Breathing Can Improve Your Exercise and Recovery

October 5th, 2021

Breathing is one of the most important functions that takes place in our bodies. The oxygen that we take in with each breath powers every system in our body. We breathe naturally without even thinking about it, but did you know that controlling and practicing your breathing can improve your performance when exercising and even

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physical therapy fallschurchva

Have Aggravating Jaw Pain? It Could Be Temporomandibular Joint Disorder

October 1st, 2021

Do you experience frequent jaw pain or notice clicking/popping in your jaw throughout the day? Have difficulty fully opening or closing your mouth because you feel like it is locked in place? You may be among the over 10 million Americans affected by Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). It should be noted that many people mistakenly

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physical therapy fallschurchva

Your Hip Dropping (Trendelenburg Gait) When You Walk Could Be The Result of Weak Hips

September 28th, 2021

Have you ever noticed your hip on one side dropping when you walk? Does this result in you looking like you are limping, waddling, or missing a step? You may be experiencing what is known as Trendlenburg gait. This is an abnormal gait pattern that is caused by weakness or paralysis of the hip abductor

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physical therapy fallschurchva

Tight Hips? Use These 4 Stretches to Open Them Up!

September 24th, 2021

Flexibility is an often overlooked aspect of physical fitness. However, it is just as important as strength and endurance! Being more flexible has many benefits, including lowering your risk of injury, decreasing pain, improving posture and balance, and improving performance in sports. One area of the body that people usually complain about being “tight” is

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physical therapy fallschurchva

If You’re Diabetic, Watch for the Signs of Peripheral Neuropathy

September 17th, 2021

According to the CDC, over 34 million people (greater than 10% of the total population) in the United States have diabetes. An even larger portion (88 million or almost 35% of the population) have prediabetes. Although there are many complications associated with diabetes, one of the most common, but also most serious and potentially disabling,

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physical therapist fallschurchva

What is the Female Athlete Triad?

September 15th, 2021

Participation in athletics and exercise are a great way for all girls and women to stay healthy and active throughout the lifespan. However, a real danger is presented when this participation is taken to extremes or when unhealthy dieting is involved. Pressure from sports that promote a thinner physique (for either physical appearance or sport

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physical therapy fallschurchva

Carpal Tunnel Causing Wrist and Hand Pain? Here’s How Physical Therapy Can Help

September 13th, 2021

Have you ever experienced numbness or tingling in your hands and fingers? What about wrist and arm pain or weakness? Do you constantly feel the need to shake your hands out or move your fingers to find relief from symptoms? You may be familiar with the term “carpal tunnel”, more formally known as carpal tunnel

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physical therapy fallschurchva

The Impact of Stroke and How Physical Therapy Can Help

September 10th, 2021

Stroke is one of the most common causes of long-term disability in the United States, affecting nearly 800,000 people a year. In 2019, stroke was the cause of death for about 150,000 Americans, accounting for 1 in 20 deaths according to the Center for Disease Control (CDC). Learn more about what causes stroke, its potential

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